Weren’t You Supposed to Be Free By Now?
Once upon a time, women took to the streets to claim their rights too be equal to men in the right to choose what to do with their lives. Today, women are in leadership positions in government and private companies, women can make a career, become doctors, university professors and astronauts. Happy ever after.
Or not?
I wasn’t there when the liberation movement began, but my understanding has always been that the fight was about FREEDOM and CHOICE.
Now I see women feeling guilty, insufficient and inferior, because they chose to stay home with their children and live the life of a housewife. I have seen so-called feminists decrying such a decision as either the non-decision of a poor, disempowered little victim or a betrayal of ‘the movement’, whatever that is supposed to be.
I see women crushing under the burden of juggling work, children, household and fitness, because – hey – the REAL woman looks slim and happy as she multitasks all day.
I see women being looked at with pity, frowns or disdain, because they are childless. I see pregnant women who are treated as if the moment of conception rendered them incompetent, fragile and unable to make their own decisions.
What I don’t see is freedom.
Do you?
How about creating a life without the constant feeling of overwhelm and guilt? How about living your life FREE to choose what feels right for you?
It is possible. I know that because I have created such a life for me. I am a mother of three young girls, I work full time and I love my life. My mission is to show other women how to create their own freedom.

Claim Your Freedom
Conscious Woman Intensive Group
- Weekly transformative hot seat coaching over twelve weeks;
- The power of a like-minded community: women on their way to freedom;
- Small group size: a maximum of five women guarantee the intimacy, intensity and security for lasting change;
- An online community where you can share, engage and connect with your peer members and me between calls and beyond the program duration;
- Consistent unraveling of your stress and overwhelm with practical, hands-on action steps.

One-on-One Exclusive
- Exclusivity – only you and I
- No fixed structure – you decide when you want the support
- Email support between calls
- Few spaces; investment varies