
Stop the Toxic Labeling

Why Shaming Is Not the Solution About 150 years ago and lasting some decades, scores of women were labeled with a diagnosis of ‘hysteria’ which, as Mark Micale put it, described “everything that men found mysterious or unmanageable in women.”[1] Fortunately, such a thing would be impossible today. What an outrageous idea! It doesn’t matter that some of the women’s behavior may, in fact, have been very challenging to deal with; it is clear that indiscriminately lumping together all kinds…

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Difficult Conversations?

How do we have difficult conversations? Any time we expect a conversation to be(come) difficult, it is because we assume that either the other person will reject what we propose or they will be hurt by what we share with them. I want to talk about the latter. I have had two conversations lately that I dreaded as potentially quite difficult. That is, they appeared difficult in my mind until the moment I actually had them. In both cases I…

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Should you lower your expectations?

There are countless studies that try to figure out whether it is better to have or maintain high expectations, or better to lower your expectations. Some say when you lower your expectations, you are more likely to be happy, and have your expectations met, others find out that marriages that set higher expectations are more likely to be successful, because they bring more quality into the marriage. To a certain degree that is pretty obvious. If you stand at the…

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Shame spits into your romantic dinner. Shame laughs its ugly cackle at your reflection in the mirror. Shame is the last door in your dungeon.

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